Behind The Mic





About Our Show
The Rock Roulette Podcast randomly reviews rock, hard rock and metal albums in their entirety. Each few episodes we spin the wheel of over 900 albums and go over each song on the album as you hear it. We don’t listen to any albums beforehand. We may know albums from the past, but everything we do is unedited and off the cuff. Sometimes reviewing the whole album, song by song takes a few episodes, or maybe more depending on how long the album is.
Nick, Savino, Steve and Mark give their opinions on these albums from a musician’s perspective. Some albums we have intimate knowledge of; others, well let’s say we have NO IDEA what we are going to hear.
That is the fun part, exploring albums we have heard extraordinarily little of and in some cases, we have never heard anything from them at all.
Tune in every week for a new episode!

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